AMBITION, The Association of MBAs (AMBA)

In less than a year AMBITION ( has grown from a standing start, to a world-class magazine. Attracting interest from high-profile business leaders, building a strong platform from which to grow their brand.
In January 2016, AMBA conducted research among its then 14,000 members (MBA students and graduates) to ascertain what they wanted from a monthly magazine. Thought leadership was rated highly and they decided to launch a world-class membership magazine, bringing together leading thinkers and inspirational business people packaged in a modern and dynamic design, to challenge and inspire MBAs towards business success.
Previously AMBA provided a quarterly print newsletter for UK members but, as a global organisation, this was relaunched as a digital magazine, with PageSuite, for their entire global network. Less than four months after surveying members, in May 2016 the first issue of AMBITION was launched.
Look and feel: Design innovation
The main challenges in producing a publication such as AMBITION were three-fold,
- AMBA needed an intelligent content strategy to provide articles that were packaged in an alternative way to the media our readers would otherwise consume.
- AMBA has a diverse stakeholder community so the magazine needed to engage and inspire all of these groups.
- With members based in 150 countries, circulating a print publication to them would be impossible
David Woods-Hale, Head of Editorial and Public Relations said, “In addition to great editorial content, it’s important that the design and user interface should reflect the quality of our membership. Some of our interviews are accompanied by video interviews and vox pops, exclusively filmed and professionally edited by AMBA’s in-house digital team, giving readers alternative viewing options.
The PageSuite digital format allows readers to view it on screen, on tablet, or smartphone either as a page turner or scrolling text. Interactive functions enable them to link to our online forums to debate issues discussed; cut out their favourite quotes and pictures for Twitter; link to videos and multimedia content; as well as download relevant articles and bookmark pages to share.”
Achievements so far:
- In addition to AMBITION, AMBA are looking to create special supplement for people considering an MBA later this year.
- A cost-effective in-house editorial and design strategy managed across our departments, allowing independence and agility
- A compelling sponsorship strategy attracting new revenue streams and generating funds, which will benefit our schools and membership communities.
- Exceeding expectations and requests from our members to provide them with thought leadership on key areas of interests
- Engaging AMBA’s entire workforce in a collaborative way
- Finalist in the Association Excellence Awards Magazine of the Year
View the edition here:
Feedback already received:
John Peters, Director, Monkey Business (MBA alumnus)
Emily Perry, CEO, Humm Media (pre-MBA)